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Join a discovery tour with scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht: Above the Baltic Sea, along the coast, in the lab or at the beamline – everyone can be present when new scientific insights arise.

Coastal researchers hunt for small ocean eddies 1000 meters above the Baltic Sea. Their goal is to decipher the secrets of the Clockwork Ocean.

At 650 degrees Celsius, material scientists stand at the large roller. Their desire is to process the light metal magnesium to achieve the highest possible performance in automotive engineering.

With X-ray light that is up to one million times brighter than used in medical practice, scientists are investigating almost all materials down to the atomic level. They want to produce high-tech materials or to understand fundamental processes.

Experience science closer than ever before. Be in a lab or go on an expedition and discover how knowledge derives from understanding. The 360° clips allow an entirely new view of the fascinating research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.

Watch the Helmholtz scientists at work. What drives them? They do research for people and their future environment.